
Friday, 28 May 2021

My Kuramarotini narrative

This term we are learning about Kupe, we have to write a  narrative  and here is my one about Kuramarotini.  She is the wife of Kupe but her first husband was Hoturapa.


I'm Kuramarotini and this is my side of the story. My husband Hoturapa and I have two daughters , my iwi is getting less food so my husband, our friend and I went fishing. We were on our way home when we got stuck, our friend Kupe told Hoturapa to dive into the water. When my husband Hoturapa went in the water, me and kupe left to find a place to go, over time I fell in love with kupe. Along our travels we saw land in the distance, I cried “he ao, he ao, he Aotearoa''. My husband Kupe knew that the land was not ready for our iwi so together we prepared the land. 

Kupe and I had a baby. We have named him Tuputupu whenua. We decided to give him back to the land, we laid him in Te Puna i te Ao Marama which is on Niniwa to protect the harbor, along with Niniwa and Arai Te Uru.  Kupe knew we would not return to this land again he named this place Te Hokianga nui a Kupe. 

Kupe and I went back to Hawaiki. Kupe taught our great great nephew Nukutawhiti wayfinding and showed him how he can find Hokianga. Kupe and I are staying in Hawaiki my son Tipu Tipu Whenua, Niniwa and Arai Te Uru are going to guide Nukutawhiti back to Aotearoa along with Nukutawhiti and his cousin Ruanui.