
Friday, 12 June 2020

Te pakanga o nga atua.

Last week on Friday the 29th  Mama,Mahuta and I made a game named Te pakanga o nga atua. we told the class  how to play the game. we told them it was a acting game so you have to act out a atua that we chose for people to use when they play our game all of the atua are Tane Mahuta- Atua o te ngahere Rehua-Apa whatukura Tama-nui-te-ra-Ko ia te ra.Parawhenuamea-Atua o te wai Maori Hinetakurua- Atua o te hotoke. Hineahuone - Tangata tuatahi i will leave a


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Ngarui I really like your blog post I like how you explianed what kind of game you are doing and told us the atua that are in you game. I hope I / we get to play it sooner or later. If you would like you could come and visit my blog and leave a comment @
