
Sunday, 28 March 2021

Waka Hourua

This term in week four our class done some facts about different types of waka there is waka Taua, waka Tete, waka Ama

and waka Hourua the waka i study it was  hard and easy at the same time. We gather all of our facts from the internet after that we put all of that into a T shaped learning in our own words. here are some facts i have learnt adout waka Hourua 

Friday, 26 March 2021

Kaupapa waka

This term in week six our class learnt about our own. Waka my waka that i study was Mamari there are seven different waka in our class. There is Kurahoupo, Nukutaimemeha, Ngatokimatawhaorua, Mamaru, Tainui, Mataatua, and my waka Mamari Here is my Kaupapa waka slide if you want to see what we have done My kaupapa waka